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Yasmine's friend's story - Dar Al-Yasmine for publication and distribution
Yasmine's friend's story - Dar Al-Yasmine for publication and distribution
Yasmine's friend's story - Dar Al-Yasmine for publication and distribution
Yasmine's friend's story - Dar Al-Yasmine for publication and distribution
Yasmine's friend's story - Dar Al-Yasmine for publication and distribution
Yasmine's friend's story - Dar Al-Yasmine for publication and distribution
Yasmine's friend's story - Dar Al-Yasmine for publication and distribution
Yasmine's friend's story - Dar Al-Yasmine for publication and distribution
Yasmine's friend's story - Dar Al-Yasmine for publication and distribution
A wonderful story that approaches the child's world and his thinking and feelings. It talks about a shy girl who has a single friend, the green dragon, who accompanies her everywhere, and one day something significant happens in her life, encouraging her to break the barrier of fear and shyness, and to try a new adventure with a new friend. One day, a ball falls in Yasmine's room and prompts her to start building a true friendship.
As Low As
3.00 JD
  • +3 years
  • Multicolor
  • A great story that is close to the kid’s world, mind, and feelings. “Yasmine’s Friend” talks about a shy girl who has only one friend which is a green dragon that goes with her everywhere, suddenly, something new happens in her life, it encourages her to break the walls between her fear and shyness towards everything so she could go on an adventure with a new friend. One day a ball gets into Yasmine’s room which leads her to make a true friendship.
fees Adib Makki
Author Abeer Altaher
Age +3 years
User Rating

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Dimensions 0.00*0.00*0.00 cm 30.00*0.30*30.00 cm 15.01*0.20*23.01 cm
Price 3.00 JD 16.00 JD 4.00 JD
Vendor Dar Al-Yasmeen for Publication and Distribution A jo A jo
Item Status New New New

3.00 JD