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The Haunted House - Dar Al Yasmeen for Publishing and Distribution
The Haunted House - Dar Al Yasmeen for Publishing and Distribution
The Haunted House - Dar Al Yasmeen for Publishing and Distribution
Ahmed Al-Akkad has an adventurous and exploratory spirit. One day, he knocked on his door, Mira, his new neighbor who had moved in with her father, Professor Uncle Malik, next door. Ahmed is surprised that they moved to this particular house because none of the previous neighbors were able to stay in it. People believe that this house is haunted by goblins and ghosts. Mira goes to the school that Ahmed and his sister, Rima, attend. Through interesting and fast-paced events, one of the students bullies Mira and Ahmed defends her, but the truth is gradually revealed. Mira the neighbor is nothing but a robot designed in Japan in a very elaborate way that it has feelings and sensations. Ahmed and his sister, Rima, help Uncle Malik fix the robot Mira and survive the imminent attack of the robots. A science fiction novel consisting of chapters that engages the young reader and raises questions about robots, how they are manufactured and used, and how they are directed to serve humans in various fields of civilization.
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3.50 JD
  • +9 years
  • Multicolor
  • Mira moves with her father to the house next to Ahmed Al-Akkad's house. Doubt seeps into Ahmed's soul; He believes that this house is haunted by goblins.
  • Ahmed watches Mira's behavior until one day one of her classmates bullies her, and she loses something important.
  • You see... what is this thing? What is the truth about Mira and her father? What is the true haunted house?
  • Mira moves with her father to the house next door to Ahmed Al-Akkad’s house. Ahmed
    starts to doubt them; because he believes that this house is haunted by ghosts. Ahmad
    kept watching Mira every day until one of her classmates bullied her so she loses
    something very important. What is the secret behind Mira and her father? And what is
    the truth behind the haunted house?
fees Ali Shamsuddin
Author Abeer Altaher
Age +9 years
User Rating

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Dimensions 0.00*0.00*0.00 cm 30.00*0.30*30.00 cm 15.01*0.20*23.01 cm
Price 3.50 JD 16.00 JD 4.00 JD
Vendor Dar Al-Yasmeen for Publication and Distribution A jo A jo
Item Status New New New

3.50 JD